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Version: 1.0.0

Counter API

Ultinous AI Suite's measurement-based counters are designed to be used with custom third party software. This guide will cover how the data created by the counters can be read from Ultinous AI Suite.

If you wish to double-check the data produced by your counters, they can be viewed inside Ultinous AI Suite as well, in a dedicated Counters interface.


  • Finished the Quick Start Guide and created a test Solution to make sure that your camera is working and events are triggered. (This test Solution can be deleted after testing.)
  • Created an API Token so that the third party software has access to Ultinous AI Suite.
  • Created a Multi Object Counter. Please note that the technical name value will be the identifier value for the API. This is a UUID by default, but can be renamed to any unique string.

Using the API

The output from each counter is a number indicating the number of detections in the union of all cameras' regions of interests (ROIs).

The API is read-only and has two main ways of accessing the counters:

  • Batch mode, where past counter values are of interest.
  • Live Server Side Event mode for real time processing of values.

Each aggregation contains:

  • an object_type string, which is one of PERSON_FULL_BODY, MOTORCYCLE, CAR, TRAIN, TRUCK, BUS, BICYCLE, BOAT, AIRPLANE
  • a first integer, the number of detections in the first frame of the aggregation period
  • a last integer, the number of detections in the last frame of the aggregation period
  • an average float, the average number of detections
  • a median float, the median of detections in the whole aggregation period
  • a min integer, the sum of detections on the last frame in the aggregation period
  • and a max integer, the sum of detections on the first frame in the aggregation period

The two API endpoints have the following parameters:

ParameterUsed in /counter/?ValueExample value
technical_name/batchCounter technical namefront-yard-counter
technical_names/liveArray of technical namesfirst,second,third
from_timestamp/batchUnix timestamp (ms)1625216205000
to_timestamp/batchUnix timestamp (ms) Maximum difference between to and from is 24 hours1625216275000
token/batch and /liveAPI token from Ultinous AI Suite UI2eef33b9-a2ac-457b-a076-9b43a3ab6df6


const url = "http://<address-of-u-alarm>/API"; //< note the /API at the end.

Batch Mode

The following example is using javascript and its fetch function to show how these values can be read.

* maximum time interval is three days
* @param technical_name: string ; counter technical name
* @param token : A base64 token issued by Ultinous AI Suite
* @param from_timestamp : unix timestamp; Only show counter values from given date
* @param to_timestamp : unix timestamp; Show values until.
const params = new URLSearchParams({

.then( value => console.log(value.json()))

Example response

[ //< Array of aggregation periods
"from_timestamp": 1625215860000,
"to_timestamp": 1625215865000,
//^ next aggregation periods from_timestamp is equal to this periods to_timestamp
"status": "ERROR", //< status is OK or ERROR.
"aggregations": [
"object_type": "BOAT",
//^ out of the 9 main object types, only those will be listed in the aggregations array that are selected in the UI
"first": 0,
//^ first: integer, exact number of detections on the first frame in the aggregation period
"last": 0,
//^ last: integer, exact number of detections on the last frame in the aggregation period
"median": 0.0,
//^ median: float, median of detections in the whole aggregation period
"average": 0.0,
//^ average: float, average number of detections in the whole aggregation period
"min": 0,
//^ min: integer, exact sum of detections on the first frame in the aggregation period
"max": 0,
//^ max: integer, exact sum of detections on the last frame in the aggregation period
{"object_type": "PERSON_FULL_BODY","first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.2, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "CAR", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.0, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "MOTORCYCLE", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.1, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "AIRPLANE", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.2, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "TRAIN", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.2, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "TRUCK", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.0, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "BICYCLE", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.0, "min": 0, "max": 0},
{"object_type": "BUS", "first": 0, "last": 0, "median": 0.0, "average": 0.1, "min": 0, "max": 0}
"cameras_with_error": [
//^ If status is ERROR, cameras_with_error array will show the cameras that are unreachable
{"display_name": "Front Yard", "technical_name": "frontyard-hd"}


Server Side Event Mode

This demo uses javascripts's EventSource API to read events.

Example Request

const params = new URLSearchParams({
'technical_names':['name-1','name2'] //< Multiple technical_names can be requested
const evtPath = `${url}/counter/live?${params.toString()}`
const evtSource = new EventSource(evtPath)
evtSource.onmessage = evt => console.log(

Example response

[ //< Array of technical_names
"technical_name": "name-1",
"record": { //< A record contains a single aggregation period
"from_timestamp": 1625231670000,
"to_timestamp": 1625231675000,
"status": "ERROR",
"aggregations": [
"object_type": "PERSON_FULL_BODY",
"last": 0,
"median": 0.0,
"average": 0.0,
"max": 0
/*... other detections*/
"cameras_with_error": [{"display_name": "115", "technical_name": "115"}]
}, {
"technical_name" : "name-2",
"record" : { /*... same as above*/ }


Error Status Codes

  • 401 Unauthorized - Wrong API Key. Make sure a valid key is set up.
  • 404 Not Found - The technical_name(s) parameter is invalid.
  • 502 Bad Gateway - Ultinous AI Suite API is not running. Please try logging in to the Ultinous AI Suite User Interface, or restart the physical device.